posted ago by ArtemisFoul ago by ArtemisFoul +10 / -4

So I was gone for a while and I was reading old posts that I missed because I'm autistic like that, and I came across this: (Archive)

Seeing as it was an Imp post, I went and actually skimmed the article looking for the bullshit, because there's pretty much always bullshit in anything this tranny posts... and you won't believe what I found in the middle!

The school also acknowledged that it had erred more specifically on the night Jack took his life, just hours after the classmate involved in the bullying was formally expelled. Instead of being supervised as he packed his belongings, the boy was permitted to participate in a drawn-out farewell that included a final run around campus and a group photograph. During the gathering, some students also made harsh comments about Jack, inaccurately blaming him for the boy’s expulsion.

Bolded the important parts for you. A guy started the rumors that eventually led to the victim's (Jack's) suicide, not a girl as Imp claimed and as the other commenters accepted without questioning.

I know it's unpleasant to try to read the overly verbose, pretentious garbage the NYT shits out, but for the love of everything that is holy, learn to skim.

And you, Imp - I must repeat my earlier recommendation: Touch grass, preferably after falling out of an aircraft without a parachute, you autistic retard. For fuck's sake. Now tell me how the ghost of Dworkin totally made him do it.