Yes, women go sniffing around for a beta to enslave and divorce rape when they can't lock down the alpha they feel entitled to. Usually after tricking him into raising a kid that isn't his. Pretty much anyone can date in their 30s. It just doesn't end well for the man if he's not the kind of guy she would have went for in her 20s. The more I watch this slow motion train wreck the more I'm convinced that massively growing number of single men is the least bad option. They may think that they want to date but they're so much better off this way.
Yes, women go sniffing around for a beta to enslave and divorce rape when they can't lock down the alpha they feel entitled to. Usually after tricking him into raising a kid that isn't his. Pretty much anyone can date in their 30s. It just doesn't end well for the man if he's not the kind of guy she would have went for in her 20s. The more I watch this slow motion train wreck the more I'm convinced that massively growing number of single men is the least bad option. They may think that they want to date but they're so much better off this way.