I wish Lindsay weren't so set on being on Twitter that he set his Gab to repost his Twitter account.
He's going to be co-opted in his attempt to reach a broad mainstream audience, because despite how well he names the diseases that plague liberalism and academia, he is a reformer. The evil he's describing has metastasized well past the point where reform can fix it, having set into every institution through the long marches Fiere ordered.
Naming the Devil gives you the power to fight it, but by aspiring to be a mainstream academic James doesn't have answers to the problems he highlights. The Ivory Tower needs to be torched, but James is trying to save it.
Naming the Devil gives you the power to fight it, but by aspiring to be a mainstream academic James doesn't have answers to the problems he highlights. The Ivory Tower needs to be torched, but James is trying to save it.
I suspect he'll give up trying to save the university. I think he's smart enough to recognize that we're playing a losing game with reform.
What's needed is a purge and a rebuilding, and this can be done with state-funded public universities, as we see with DeSantis and Rufo in FL.
I think he's smart enough to recognize that we're playing a losing game with them.
I think he still identifies as a liberal, and that isn't a position he's reasoned himself into, so he'll be a long time disengaging from that element of his identity.
I wish Lindsay weren't so set on being on Twitter that he set his Gab to repost his Twitter account.
He's going to be co-opted in his attempt to reach a broad mainstream audience, because despite how well he names the diseases that plague liberalism and academia, he is a reformer. The evil he's describing has metastasized well past the point where reform can fix it, having set into every institution through the long marches Fiere ordered.
Naming the Devil gives you the power to fight it, but by aspiring to be a mainstream academic James doesn't have answers to the problems he highlights. The Ivory Tower needs to be torched, but James is trying to save it.
I suspect he'll give up trying to save the university. I think he's smart enough to recognize that we're playing a losing game with reform.
What's needed is a purge and a rebuilding, and this can be done with state-funded public universities, as we see with DeSantis and Rufo in FL.
I think he still identifies as a liberal, and that isn't a position he's reasoned himself into, so he'll be a long time disengaging from that element of his identity.