I'm so fucking sick of the trannies.
There is damn near not an iota of content I enjoy(ed) that hasn't been absolutely fucking destroyed by these mentally ill clowns. I'm just so god damn done with it. At this point I'm not even angry, just disgusted and disappointed.
Is there any game/media content that you feel was ripped away from you or otherwise destroyed by their insanity? I'll start:
RIP: My 10 year old Warframe account that was banned on first ever offense on any grounds for saying verbatim "No I don't support the trans rights movement and I don't want it spammed in my clan chat."
RIP: My legacy Dead By Daylight account for "Targeting" a trannie twitch streamer. [AKA: I killed them first in the game about killing players..?]
RIP: My Garrysmod RP server that got delisted for having Nazi imagery in a 1942 setting about FIGHTING NAZI's. (Going to fucking ban Wolfenstien next?)
MMO's really seem to draw these fucking morons out of the woodwork. Seems like every single one is just overrun with them.
Agreed, I cannot "Escape it" either as working in the tech field you are constantly beat over the head with troon shit.
This is precisely why I stopped playing new games. Every new game seems to cater to these disgusting, abhorrent freaks.
My go-to game right now is Star Citizen, but the main Twitter account -- last I checked -- had that terrorist rainbow flag in their logo. I imagine it's just going to be a matter of time before it, too, is infested with troonery.
Right now it's fine and free of that nonsense. Men dress like men. Women dress like women (though the hairstyle options are awful right now). But I know that now that the narrative team has been given full control of missions going forward, there's bound to be some of that tranny nonsense because a couple members of the narrative team are Liberals (ironically, the one female on the narrative team is not a whack-job Liberal).
But yeah, I gave up on Warframe back when they were banning people for joking about "traps" or something. That was some years ago. I had no idea it became so bad that they now ban you for not even wanting to entertain trannies. I'm afraid to play through River City Girls 2 on the Switch because I fear it may have been infested as well, but I won't know until I play it (surprisingly, the first game was pretty good and had a nice little twist at the end).
Fuck in this case Warframe isn't even new. Played since 2015 not a single issue.
It's so far beyond "Catering" it's blatant worship and if you too do not worship the ground they walk on you are the literal devil to these morons.
I've never felt so "At-odds" with society in my life. The shit I use to decompress for work or even my spouse is just being destroyed and you HAVE to cowtow the line or else!
So fucking sick of it man, too old for this bullshit.
Communities are also shit only good one I’ve found is for a 40K fan edition owner fucking hates leftists and reds.
You summed up EXACTLY how I feel.
Enraging is a disservice to the hatred I sometimes feel boiling up inside.
You expect as much from politics, but -- as you said -- it's the fact that you can't even decompress anymore without this stuff being shoved into your face and down your throat. And being censored from expressing said displeasure just makes it even worse.