I've seen people want to lecture on how Creationism is real due to Intelligent Design and I've seen multiple camps of students either get behind the idea, go against the idea but most vastly ignore the lectures altogether.
While the latter group did better things with their time the two former groups would set up stalls and try to convince passers by to attend or not.
Nothing heated, just expressions of opinion being shared civilly.
Now that mob rule and pitchforks are being implemented as Direct Action through the Social Justice throngs wanting their By Any Means Necessary to seem hip and edgy there is no discussion and no point to university ergo no point to attending one.
It will be the bottom line and their mortgages that will get these Marxists professors towing the line soon enough.
I'm not so sure that this is always the case.
I've seen people want to lecture on how Creationism is real due to Intelligent Design and I've seen multiple camps of students either get behind the idea, go against the idea but most vastly ignore the lectures altogether.
While the latter group did better things with their time the two former groups would set up stalls and try to convince passers by to attend or not.
Nothing heated, just expressions of opinion being shared civilly.
Now that mob rule and pitchforks are being implemented as Direct Action through the Social Justice throngs wanting their By Any Means Necessary to seem hip and edgy there is no discussion and no point to university ergo no point to attending one.
It will be the bottom line and their mortgages that will get these Marxists professors towing the line soon enough.