As someone who's run the gamut of Psychiatrics, deep personal inventory and appropriate therapy to excavate & process trauma over the course of years was what finally got me better.
Even the pills that do work cannot make the pain go away, they only numb it out-- and then there's the side effects.
The reality is that you want the bare minimum of medication required to keep you functional while you commit at least an hour a week to probing fearless psychotherapy, and commit further time to work on addressing behaviors and increasing personal effectiveness and personal capacity.
Pills aren't the answer, personal growth and processing of your past is.
As someone who's run the gamut of Psychiatrics, deep personal inventory and appropriate therapy to excavate & process trauma over the course of years was what finally got me better.
Even the pills that do work cannot make the pain go away, they only numb it out-- and then there's the side effects.
The reality is that you want the bare minimum of medication required to keep you functional while you commit at least an hour a week to probing fearless psychotherapy, and commit further time to work on addressing behaviors and increasing personal effectiveness and personal capacity.
Pills aren't the answer, personal growth and processing of your past is.