Sodomy can be right-wing, if it is culturally established and traditional. There is nothing inherent in the acts of oral sex or anal sex (sodomy) that is about eschewing the currently existing regime.
40 years from now, it will be conservative to be gay, and radically liberal to want two-parent-households who raise their own kids, because it will be preaching to overturn and change, to alter, the existing rulership and cultural structure.
Conservative: "It works, don't fuck with something that works just fine."
Liberal: "It works right now... but if we fucked with it, it might work better, who knows? Sure it might crash and burn, but it MIGHT improve!"
Thats not conservstism, thats liberalism you retard. 10 commandments are the opposite of liberals. Liberals wnat tog ay and trans kids, conservstives want to protect kids from the lgtb pedos
Sodomy can be right-wing, if it is culturally established and traditional. There is nothing inherent in the acts of oral sex or anal sex (sodomy) that is about eschewing the currently existing regime.
40 years from now, it will be conservative to be gay, and radically liberal to want two-parent-households who raise their own kids, because it will be preaching to overturn and change, to alter, the existing rulership and cultural structure.
Conservative: "It works, don't fuck with something that works just fine."
Liberal: "It works right now... but if we fucked with it, it might work better, who knows? Sure it might crash and burn, but it MIGHT improve!"
Thats not conservstism, thats liberalism you retard. 10 commandments are the opposite of liberals. Liberals wnat tog ay and trans kids, conservstives want to protect kids from the lgtb pedos
Take a civics class.
They aren't defined as "good" and "bad".