Wu would be pissed by being called they. Wu has never admitted to being born a man despite anyone with eyes can see that. I know it’s impossible for you to imagine but a singular they in the past has been used as a derisive way of referring to someone unimportant before the rainbow mafia started acting like you can choose the pronoun other people use to talk about you when you are not around.
What exactly am I outing myself for? I’ve got a pretty clear post history of disliking John Walker Flynt “Wu.” But have fun being a grammar Nazi.
I think that he would have just preferred if you used the more accurate "he", or the grammatically correct term for things that are neither a "he/she", which is "it".
Way to out yourself by using that language, shill.
Wu would be pissed by being called they. Wu has never admitted to being born a man despite anyone with eyes can see that. I know it’s impossible for you to imagine but a singular they in the past has been used as a derisive way of referring to someone unimportant before the rainbow mafia started acting like you can choose the pronoun other people use to talk about you when you are not around.
What exactly am I outing myself for? I’ve got a pretty clear post history of disliking John Walker Flynt “Wu.” But have fun being a grammar Nazi.
I think that he would have just preferred if you used the more accurate "he", or the grammatically correct term for things that are neither a "he/she", which is "it".