Aliens/UFOs have been an interest of mine since I was in 3rd grade. I do know the Dogon tribe claimed their gods came from Sirius and they were aware of the Star system. So essentially ancient alien stuff. Didn’t know they claimed to be from there
Maybe it was their knowledge of Sirius B. Been a long time since I read the article but I remember they had knowledge of something that surprised scientists
Aliens/UFOs have been an interest of mine since I was in 3rd grade. I do know the Dogon tribe claimed their gods came from Sirius and they were aware of the Star system. So essentially ancient alien stuff. Didn’t know they claimed to be from there
Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky so that's not surprising.
Maybe it was their knowledge of Sirius B. Been a long time since I read the article but I remember they had knowledge of something that surprised scientists