In case you don't remember, I'll go over this a bit again. The entirety of HR, Advertising, and PR is purely Leftist. There is no part of HR which is right-wing, centrist, Liberal, or even center-Left. All 3 industries are entirely captured. For the past 5-10 years, the entire HR industry, without exception, states explicitly that racial, ethnic, religious, ability, neurological, and sexual diversity are the only ways for these companies to make money. They have plethora of "studies" on it. Every single expert in the field will tell you the same thing: diversity = profit.
Then on top of that, they say that Zoomers are 100% Leftist, and vote very explicitly around politics. If you want any Zoomer to buy any product, it better have an inclusivity statement feature on the box, or you might as well not sell it.
Then, on top of that, the people at the top of these PR, Ad, & HR institutions are DIE zealots, themselves. They will actively seek to seize control of the company and centralizing all marketing, recruiting, and retention opportunities to their individual departments with no oversight or quantitative measurements. They will not accept outside input from leadership or other departments, especially regarding compensation and recruitment. They will not tell people why or if a marketing program is working; just whether or not they need more money or a lot more money. They will not allow for other departments (like IT, accounting, legal, etc) to make retention or recruiting decisions on their own. Those departments will never see potential hires without HR giving a DIE color swatch test first. Those departments will not be allowed to promote without HR deciding whether or not the equity balance of the department is jeaporidized by that promotion. Those departments will not be allowed to give raises before HR decides to close the "pay gap". Those departments will not be able to fire people before HR, and especially DIE, run consoling session after consoling session, advocate a dozen trainings, and basically run interference against all of the worst employees so long as those employees are of the correct demographic make-up. Those departments might suddenly find that an incorrect demographic employee who violates a rule might start being aggressively consoled before that department's leadership takes any steps at handling the situation in-house.
Then on top of that, they know to use activist institutions externally to their advantage. PR and Advertising used Twitter to cultivate bots and journalists to heavily popularize anything DIE, and condemn anything not DIE. If HR wants to justify seizing all control of compensation, pay disputes are leaked to the press, a hit piece is manufactured on the media, 1000 Leftists on Twitter screech, and a DIE organization offers to help mediate the dispute (in favor of HR having full control). Not only do you get 'hate-bombed' on social media if you step out of line, but if you walk the line: you will get 'love-bombed' for your "brave" stances, and be rewarded with positive attention.
Then, on top of that, are the DIE mandates on loans. By now, most of you would have already heard of ESG scores, and realized that these are a fantastic way for the largest banks on Earth to guarantee political loyalty; but each individual loan or grant also has their own sub-requirements in order to receive money or credit to the tune of tens of thousands to millions of dollars.
Oh, and I almost forgot. These HR departments regularly do ideological excursions for senior leadership. They literally target senior leadership and send them on a "Diversity Training Session" to extremely wealthy and luxurious accommodations where they begin grooming them on Leftist ideology, and make book requirements.
So when these zealots tell corporations that DIE is the only way to make money going forward; these corporate leaders absolutely believe them because there is not a single dissenting voice that they are aware of.
Some of those billion dollar companies are billion dollar companies because they are protected from bad decisions by political rackets, not because they are well run.
Just how many people did Bernie Madoff swindle again?
Some of those billion dollar companies are billion dollar companies because they are protected from bad decisions by political rackets, not because they are well run.
And has that happened in either case?
Quite the contrary; Budweiser is already reversing this decision and distancing themselves.
But there's no hope for people like you so keep doubling down to save face on something so simple that anyone with half a brain can see it.
Quite the contrary; Budweiser is already reversing this decision and distancing themselves.
Is this not at odds with the implication that billion dollar companies are so smart and wouldn't make the wrong decision? Or is the idea that all of this, including them backing down, is part of their grand plan?
That happens in every case. That's the purpose of the regulation. These billion dollar companies are protected by bad decisions by the political racket. The issue is that the racket is weak. Not that Budweiser is more competent than all the false data they are fed.
I'm afraid the redditor is 100% correct.
In case you don't remember, I'll go over this a bit again. The entirety of HR, Advertising, and PR is purely Leftist. There is no part of HR which is right-wing, centrist, Liberal, or even center-Left. All 3 industries are entirely captured. For the past 5-10 years, the entire HR industry, without exception, states explicitly that racial, ethnic, religious, ability, neurological, and sexual diversity are the only ways for these companies to make money. They have plethora of "studies" on it. Every single expert in the field will tell you the same thing: diversity = profit.
Then on top of that, they say that Zoomers are 100% Leftist, and vote very explicitly around politics. If you want any Zoomer to buy any product, it better have an inclusivity statement feature on the box, or you might as well not sell it.
Then, on top of that, the people at the top of these PR, Ad, & HR institutions are DIE zealots, themselves. They will actively seek to seize control of the company and centralizing all marketing, recruiting, and retention opportunities to their individual departments with no oversight or quantitative measurements. They will not accept outside input from leadership or other departments, especially regarding compensation and recruitment. They will not tell people why or if a marketing program is working; just whether or not they need more money or a lot more money. They will not allow for other departments (like IT, accounting, legal, etc) to make retention or recruiting decisions on their own. Those departments will never see potential hires without HR giving a DIE color swatch test first. Those departments will not be allowed to promote without HR deciding whether or not the equity balance of the department is jeaporidized by that promotion. Those departments will not be allowed to give raises before HR decides to close the "pay gap". Those departments will not be able to fire people before HR, and especially DIE, run consoling session after consoling session, advocate a dozen trainings, and basically run interference against all of the worst employees so long as those employees are of the correct demographic make-up. Those departments might suddenly find that an incorrect demographic employee who violates a rule might start being aggressively consoled before that department's leadership takes any steps at handling the situation in-house.
Then on top of that, they know to use activist institutions externally to their advantage. PR and Advertising used Twitter to cultivate bots and journalists to heavily popularize anything DIE, and condemn anything not DIE. If HR wants to justify seizing all control of compensation, pay disputes are leaked to the press, a hit piece is manufactured on the media, 1000 Leftists on Twitter screech, and a DIE organization offers to help mediate the dispute (in favor of HR having full control). Not only do you get 'hate-bombed' on social media if you step out of line, but if you walk the line: you will get 'love-bombed' for your "brave" stances, and be rewarded with positive attention.
Then, on top of that, are the DIE mandates on loans. By now, most of you would have already heard of ESG scores, and realized that these are a fantastic way for the largest banks on Earth to guarantee political loyalty; but each individual loan or grant also has their own sub-requirements in order to receive money or credit to the tune of tens of thousands to millions of dollars.
Oh, and I almost forgot. These HR departments regularly do ideological excursions for senior leadership. They literally target senior leadership and send them on a "Diversity Training Session" to extremely wealthy and luxurious accommodations where they begin grooming them on Leftist ideology, and make book requirements.
So when these zealots tell corporations that DIE is the only way to make money going forward; these corporate leaders absolutely believe them because there is not a single dissenting voice that they are aware of.
Either the executives running a billion dollar business are stupid or you're stupid.
One of them has to give and it's not them being stupid.
I have bad news for you.
Some of those billion dollar companies are billion dollar companies because they are protected from bad decisions by political rackets, not because they are well run.
Just how many people did Bernie Madoff swindle again?
And has that happened in either case?
Quite the contrary; Budweiser is already reversing this decision and distancing themselves.
But there's no hope for people like you so keep doubling down to save face on something so simple that anyone with half a brain can see it.
Is this not at odds with the implication that billion dollar companies are so smart and wouldn't make the wrong decision? Or is the idea that all of this, including them backing down, is part of their grand plan?
That happens in every case. That's the purpose of the regulation. These billion dollar companies are protected by bad decisions by the political racket. The issue is that the racket is weak. Not that Budweiser is more competent than all the false data they are fed.