I'll admit to having tried TVP in dishes where meat isn't the main draw. Main example- a meat/bean/cheese dip for nachos. The meat was more a texture and content filler than anything, so I tried TVP instead. Wasn't bad, the TVP is actually cheap unlike those "totally meat but not meat" bullshit. Biggest issue will be flavor- if your dish doesn't have a strong flavor, be prepared to spice it up a lot; the stuff smells like wood.
I'll admit to having tried TVP in dishes where meat isn't the main draw. Main example- a meat/bean/cheese dip for nachos. The meat was more a texture and content filler than anything, so I tried TVP instead. Wasn't bad, the TVP is actually cheap unlike those "totally meat but not meat" bullshit. Biggest issue will be flavor- if your dish doesn't have a strong flavor, be prepared to spice it up a lot; the stuff smells like wood.