Everything about the demeanor of the woman was just pathetic. Projection, cuntiness, and denialism. It was like watching a Hillary wannabe. Funny how Stewart doesn’t bother applying the same logic to the social services government provides or even the vet bill he cried over when republicans wanted to make sure the funding was specifically allocated just to the VA and not to democrat project slush funds.
Everything about the demeanor of the woman was just pathetic. Projection, cuntiness, and denialism. It was like watching a Hillary wannabe. Funny how Stewart doesn’t bother applying the same logic to the social services government provides or even the vet bill he cried over when republicans wanted to make sure the funding was specifically allocated just to the VA and not to democrat project slush funds.
Look at her blinking as she lies. Really amusing to see people who can't even lie well reach there positions that's kind of pathetic.