Man, the entirety of the World of Warcraft /vg/ threads saying "ITS OVER" again and again with each successive nerf and empty patch must be setting the FBI alarm bells off every 10 minutes.
Furthermore, why do all of these kinds of documents always have exactly the same 'understanding your child's texting lingo' feel to them? It's like how you can tell the difference between a regular speaker and an advertisement by the tone of voice.
Man, the entirety of the World of Warcraft /vg/ threads saying "ITS OVER" again and again with each successive nerf and empty patch must be setting the FBI alarm bells off every 10 minutes.
Furthermore, why do all of these kinds of documents always have exactly the same 'understanding your child's texting lingo' feel to them? It's like how you can tell the difference between a regular speaker and an advertisement by the tone of voice.