if the action, is all that matters. why bring up their religion
I’m not talking about the Jewish religion. I’m talking about the Jewish ethnicity. There are many atheist Jews. This would not be possible if it were a strictly religious category, so go ahead and get the fuck out of here with that shell game.
Atheist Jews are wildly disproportionately represented within movements and institutions that undermine, subvert, and harm western Christian nations, cultures, and peoples. That’s a simple, and easily verified, fact. This information is not particularly actionable given that the rot of cultural Marxism has spread beyond those institutions and infected at least one third of white people. Ethnicity/race becomes relevant only when leftists insist upon it, but whites are allowed to use those same tools to defend themselves and to advocate for their own collective interests.
and why are so many people who think the jews did everything bad through out history want to see them dead, banned in every country, and openly discriminated against?
I have no idea. I don’t hold those views. I only want them to respect the nations and cultures of their host nations. It seems like a small ask, but it’s apparently quite impossible. As far as Jews being responsible for every bad thing in history, that’s clearly ludicrous. It is, however, just as ludicrous to suggest that they’ve done nothing bad. Jews are people. They’ve done good and bad. They aren’t special.
and yeah, you never said any of that, but. you are defending people who think like that. i for one know their are some bad jews, and bad christians. but neither of them need to be stripped of their power and or citizenship. as awhole, because of their religion.
This is fallacious nonsense. White supremacists support reduced immigration. If I argue in favor of reduced immigration, am I supporting white supremacists? You can tear down anyone with this logic. Do you like capitalism? Then you’re supporting the neocon war mongers. Do you like socialism? Then you’re supporting the Mexican drug cartels. See? It’s stupid.
I’m not talking about the Jewish religion. I’m talking about the Jewish ethnicity. There are many atheist Jews. This would not be possible if it were a strictly religious category, so go ahead and get the fuck out of here with that shell game.
Atheist Jews are wildly disproportionately represented within movements and institutions that undermine, subvert, and harm western Christian nations, cultures, and peoples. That’s a simple, and easily verified, fact. This information is not particularly actionable given that the rot of cultural Marxism has spread beyond those institutions and infected at least one third of white people. Ethnicity/race becomes relevant only when leftists insist upon it, but whites are allowed to use those same tools to defend themselves and to advocate for their own collective interests.
I have no idea. I don’t hold those views. I only want them to respect the nations and cultures of their host nations. It seems like a small ask, but it’s apparently quite impossible. As far as Jews being responsible for every bad thing in history, that’s clearly ludicrous. It is, however, just as ludicrous to suggest that they’ve done nothing bad. Jews are people. They’ve done good and bad. They aren’t special.
This is fallacious nonsense. White supremacists support reduced immigration. If I argue in favor of reduced immigration, am I supporting white supremacists? You can tear down anyone with this logic. Do you like capitalism? Then you’re supporting the neocon war mongers. Do you like socialism? Then you’re supporting the Mexican drug cartels. See? It’s stupid.