You may be sure that there will be a 'montary collapse', but that my no means makes it a certainty.
You: "It's different this time!" Sure, bud. The West is a bunch of dying geriatrics running on debt. More and more countries are de-dollarizing, including France. Speaking of, France continues to riot, not for freedom or some other high-minded shit, but ONLY because they're losing their gibsmedats. Fucking Germany is back to burning brown coal, and their official CPlie is now in the double digits like the third-world shithole it is.
France continues to riot, not for freedom or some other high-minded shit, but ONLY because their losing their gibsmedats.
I mean, the retirement benefits that THEY WORKED FOR. I actually thought it was wise policy on Macron's part, but then someone here pointed out something quite valid, namely that people should protest when the government makes their lives worse. I know from personal experience that when you raise the retirement age, that the government just finds new things to waste money on, like 'climate'.
But nah, it'll be fine.
I have no idea what's going to happen, and neither do you. I think it's likely that things will come to a head, but counting on it is what a fool would do.
I mean, the retirement benefits that THEY WORKED FOR
It's not YOUR money, it's the GOVERNMENT'S. YOU gave it to THEM. Did you honestly believe the fucking government would be good stewards of your money? Maybe save your own money if you don't want to be at the mercy of the feds and their perpetually changing rules, especially when you already know they would waste it on pet projects like climate shit.
I have no idea what's going to happen, and neither do you.
Shit in one hand, and hope in another. Feel free to ignore the societal tumors, but don't blame me when it becomes terminal cancer. You were warned.
You: "It's different this time!" Sure, bud. The West is a bunch of dying geriatrics running on debt. More and more countries are de-dollarizing, including France. Speaking of, France continues to riot, not for freedom or some other high-minded shit, but ONLY because they're losing their gibsmedats. Fucking Germany is back to burning brown coal, and their official CPlie is now in the double digits like the third-world shithole it is.
But nah, it'll be fine.
I mean, the retirement benefits that THEY WORKED FOR. I actually thought it was wise policy on Macron's part, but then someone here pointed out something quite valid, namely that people should protest when the government makes their lives worse. I know from personal experience that when you raise the retirement age, that the government just finds new things to waste money on, like 'climate'.
I have no idea what's going to happen, and neither do you. I think it's likely that things will come to a head, but counting on it is what a fool would do.
It's not YOUR money, it's the GOVERNMENT'S. YOU gave it to THEM. Did you honestly believe the fucking government would be good stewards of your money? Maybe save your own money if you don't want to be at the mercy of the feds and their perpetually changing rules, especially when you already know they would waste it on pet projects like climate shit.
Shit in one hand, and hope in another. Feel free to ignore the societal tumors, but don't blame me when it becomes terminal cancer. You were warned.