These things are only absolutely true in multiracial and multicultural cesspools defined by sectarian strife and racial competition. In a homogeneous society, a government of your ethnic peers redistributing a good chunk of your earnings to your close genetic and cultural allies is at least tenable. In a multicultural society, a government of hostile foreigners redistributing your money to their own genetic and cultural allies, all of whom are targeting you and yours for replacement and possibly violence, is tantamount to theft and war.
These things are only absolutely true in multiracial and multicultural cesspools defined by sectarian strife and racial competition. In a homogeneous society, a government of your ethnic peers redistributing a good chunk of your earnings to your close genetic and cultural allies is at least tenable. In a multicultural society, a government of hostile foreigners redistributing your money to their own genetic and cultural allies, all of whom are targeting you and yours for replacement and possibly violence, is tantamount to theft and war.
They really should be emulating Brazil and South Africa then.