An excellent example of how totally useless studies are in deciding anything.
Despite the data showing the complete lack of correlation between mandates and lowered risk, the authors recommend masking, staying at home, getting jabbed, etc.
it's really eye opening to see studies completely contradicting their own conclusions, especially on hot topics like this. you start realizing 99% if not 100% of it is a lie, it totally changes your worldview on how mass psychology and media control works.
i still vividly remember one study saying you had a 0.17% or so chance of catching the flu from an asymptomatic person that you lived with in the same house, then directly and authoritatively saying that asymptomatics are super mega dangerous and will infect everyone just by passing them by on the street if not tested and controlled...
An excellent example of how totally useless studies are in deciding anything.
Despite the data showing the complete lack of correlation between mandates and lowered risk, the authors recommend masking, staying at home, getting jabbed, etc.
it's really eye opening to see studies completely contradicting their own conclusions, especially on hot topics like this. you start realizing 99% if not 100% of it is a lie, it totally changes your worldview on how mass psychology and media control works.
i still vividly remember one study saying you had a 0.17% or so chance of catching the flu from an asymptomatic person that you lived with in the same house, then directly and authoritatively saying that asymptomatics are super mega dangerous and will infect everyone just by passing them by on the street if not tested and controlled...
If they don't tow the party line they will get cancelled.