As many as I could. But not like that other poster in their public domain generosity, I'd make a corporation their owner, eternal and undying, and put them in share-and-share-alike creative commons, a caveat that they may earn income and wealth from the copyright's work being used by themselves, but any work they make that involves the copyrighted work must be freely able to be used by others in turn as well or it is considered an infringement AND also take on this rule. A copyright virus that would spread as rapidly as possible.
And minecraft. Which I wouldn't give that treatment to. And just earn a few billion off of its royalties. I'm not a saint.
As many as I could. But not like that other poster in their public domain generosity, I'd make a corporation their owner, eternal and undying, and put them in share-and-share-alike creative commons, a caveat that they may earn income and wealth from the copyright's work being used by themselves, but any work they make that involves the copyrighted work must be freely able to be used by others in turn as well or it is considered an infringement AND also take on this rule. A copyright virus that would spread as rapidly as possible.
And minecraft. Which I wouldn't give that treatment to. And just earn a few billion off of its royalties. I'm not a saint.