I know I’ve asked y’all for a lot of recommendations and I have a mountain of books to get through in my room as well as a stack of like 30 books in my hallway to get through immediately (currently reading Revelation from Star Wars legends series).
As a fan of sci-fi and murder mystery/cop drama has anyone ever read a book that combines the two? I read A Scanner Darkly last year which is set in the future but any cop stories or detective stories that take place in a space colony or far future as well? Thanks.
I'd be wary of getting too into Earthsea. The original trilogy is pretty solid, though much of what made it good has been done better since it came out, but the author is an open feminist who wrote the later series as a direct soapbox for that as well as trying to "fix" her former sins by turning the world almost cartoonishly "men exist to hate women and oppress them."