posted ago by YesMovement ago by YesMovement +12 / -0

VIDEO: https://twitter.com/CarymaRules/status/1631350861120061441

Bad news, everyone.

Zach is back with a vengeance, and kicked me out of the event for sitting peacefully and quietly.

You may remember him from such hits as “Caryma gets arrested for standing outside a Doug Ford rally.”

Pierre Poilievre HATES FREEDOM.

VIDEO: https://twitter.com/CarymaRules/status/1631356840339464223

Pierre Poilievre is SO FRAGILE he cannot tolerate being in the same building as me.

I was not allowed to observe his publicly advertised event from behind two sets of closed doors.

Love me or hate me, this is a disturbing pattern from Conservative politicians.


This was a private office space with meeting areas, not a library. They were within their rights to ask me to leave, and I did so.

However, the event was advertised to the general public. I had a ticket and was not being disruptive. I got kicked out for my political expression.