Bad news, everyone.
Zach is back with a vengeance, and kicked me out of the event for sitting peacefully and quietly.
You may remember him from such hits as “Caryma gets arrested for standing outside a Doug Ford rally.”
Pierre Poilievre HATES FREEDOM.
Pierre Poilievre is SO FRAGILE he cannot tolerate being in the same building as me.
I was not allowed to observe his publicly advertised event from behind two sets of closed doors.
Love me or hate me, this is a disturbing pattern from Conservative politicians.
This was a private office space with meeting areas, not a library. They were within their rights to ask me to leave, and I did so.
However, the event was advertised to the general public. I had a ticket and was not being disruptive. I got kicked out for my political expression.
I like free speech, even for people I don't like - and yet it seems that I won't be given that option in this dog eats dog world. In this case, I don't think this is applicable though. If they have a right to kick her out, they should.
We might say that maybe political organizations should not have that right. That's fine. Then that should be encoded in legislation, so that it's not just one side that has to do the bowing and scraping, and another side that does what it wants without consequence.