cool it doesn't exist because you don't believe in it.
I just explained it to you. Not sure why you're resistant to logic. It doesn't fulfill the final cause of sex, and can therefore be argued to not be sex.
with sexuality, you have physical proof. so you can't really much make that argument, because you have to literally tell people who can't change how they feel to... change how they feel to conform to your wants/desires.
The issue is that with all the glorification of homosexuality, and the recruitment/grooming, vastly larger numbers of people now claim to be bisexual or homosexual. So it's clear that people are changing due to incentives.
sex should be classified as 2 consulting adults, getting each other off! because, their are 2 variations of what you classified as sex. what if a man uses a condom, or a woman uses plan b? does it still "technically" count as sex? what if a man intentionally mutilates himself? (vasectomy) would that be counted as sex? or a woman getting her tubes tied?
By that logic, mutual masturbation or even cybersex would be counted as sex proper, which seems absurd to me.
like come on man, stop trying to draw a line between hetero sex, and gay sex, their both the same. except 1 produces life...
Only one, as you say, fulfills the final cause of sex, which is to produce life. And you can cite condoms, but the fact is that sex between a man and a woman can in principle create life. 'Sex' between two men never can.
And note that I never even argued for this position. I just said that a good case can be made for it, and I still do.
waste your time only counting sex if it produces life. but wanna know what else produces life... rape!
Eh yeah, rape that can produce life is unquestionably sex.
why in gods sweet name, would anyone choose to be gay... for "incentives" sure! faking being gay. but if what your saying is, people are becoming gay... because, "incentives" than guess what genius! THEY WERE ALREADY GAY THAN! you, FUCKING! idiot!
Yeah, I don't believe that. When you see that 20-30% of young people suddenly identify as a rainbow cultist, way up from before, there is certainly social contagion going on there.
I just explained it to you. Not sure why you're resistant to logic. It doesn't fulfill the final cause of sex, and can therefore be argued to not be sex.
The issue is that with all the glorification of homosexuality, and the recruitment/grooming, vastly larger numbers of people now claim to be bisexual or homosexual. So it's clear that people are changing due to incentives.
By that logic, mutual masturbation or even cybersex would be counted as sex proper, which seems absurd to me.
Only one, as you say, fulfills the final cause of sex, which is to produce life. And you can cite condoms, but the fact is that sex between a man and a woman can in principle create life. 'Sex' between two men never can.
And note that I never even argued for this position. I just said that a good case can be made for it, and I still do.
Eh yeah, rape that can produce life is unquestionably sex.
Yeah, I don't believe that. When you see that 20-30% of young people suddenly identify as a rainbow cultist, way up from before, there is certainly social contagion going on there.