There was essentially none. There was even a 'GG Harassment Patrol' for months on twitter, where GG supporters would scan for anyone being too mean on their own side and report it. As Adamrises says, GG was optics-fixated - I was taken in by it too. I would happily go back and be as toxic as they pretended we were.
There was essentially none. There was even a 'GG Harassment Patrol' for months on twitter, where GG supporters would scan for anyone being too mean on their own side and report it. As Adamrises says, GG was optics-fixated - I was taken in by it too. I would happily go back and be as toxic as they pretended we were.
The only verifiable bomb threats were from anti-GG, such as at the GG SPJ Airplay discussion event, which received 6.