Beat Berlin. Punch Berliners like the faggots they are. Get a baseball bat and go full Wii Sports on them. Make them eat their own lungs. Pipe bomb Berlin. Rape Berliners using their own blood as lube. Get a fifty and Minecraft Berliners in real life. WMD their fucking train network so they die in agony in their shit-filled social tubes. Nuke the everliving shit out of Berlin. Reopen Auschwitz just for Berliners and make the Holocaust look like a wellness session.
Start with Brussels then Berlin then Jerusalem and New York City and DC. Maybe then we'll have world peace.
Beat Berlin. Punch Berliners like the faggots they are. Get a baseball bat and go full Wii Sports on them. Make them eat their own lungs. Pipe bomb Berlin. Rape Berliners using their own blood as lube. Get a fifty and Minecraft Berliners in real life. WMD their fucking train network so they die in agony in their shit-filled social tubes. Nuke the everliving shit out of Berlin. Reopen Auschwitz just for Berliners and make the Holocaust look like a wellness session.
They should've been destroyed to the last man after WW1 and forced to never reform