Sometimes it get referred to as "Trans Rapist Activist" because of how blatantly pro-rape many troon ideas are like unironic "suck the dick, bigot!".
"Trans Rape Activist" could possibly work better structure wise however due to the English language being such a clusterfuck said expression could be considered as the rape of troons rather than rape by troons.
And nobody wants to do the former, even other troons don't want to fuck troons.
Sometimes it get referred to as "Trans Rapist Activist" because of how blatantly pro-rape many troon ideas are like unironic "suck the dick, bigot!".
"Trans Rape Activist" could possibly work better structure wise however due to the English language being such a clusterfuck said expression could be considered as the rape of troons rather than rape by troons.
And nobody wants to do the former, even other troons don't want to fuck troons.
If you don’t know anything about his politics, we’ll…
He pretty much embodies “politics in music”, dude. And not in a good way, either.
Man is a literal commie! 😂