So doing the maths from their logic, the author wants AAA video games to cost ~£2,000 (~$2,400, >€2,250) each, before we get to season passes, DLC, subscription fees, microtransactions and other ways of getting people to cough up more.
The only people who would advocate for that are those who believe video games are a social ill and wish to end the industry through setting the price so high the vast majority of people are priced out and have no choice but to quit. Not the first time this concept has been implemented.
So doing the maths from their logic, the author wants AAA video games to cost ~£2,000 (~$2,400, >€2,250) each, before we get to season passes, DLC, subscription fees, microtransactions and other ways of getting people to cough up more.
The only people who would advocate for that are those who believe video games are a social ill and wish to end the industry through setting the price so high the vast majority of people are priced out and have no choice but to quit. Not the first time this concept has been implemented.
There would have to be some purge to make old games out of reach to kill the hobby.
There already exist enough good games from so many categories. A lifetime's worth of it.
Governments have yet to kill small devs with red-tape suffocation. Dosen't take millions to develop a fun game like The Last Spell.