He asserts that women, all of them, across time and space, are part of an unspoken conspiracy.
No, I don't. I assert that a certain unknown number of them are part of a large conspiracy, which the normies support because it's in the in-group's interest to do so.
Actually, to put my position extremely bluntly and explain it perfectly - The SCUM Manifesto was not satire. It was a roadmap to feminist rule with red herrings of insanity sprinkled in to make people believe it's just a joke.
The only way that would be possible would be with telepathy
You, of all fucking people, should know what in-group bias is.
There are several dates you could point to, but I'd say that the real cohesive dehumanization narrative we have now began post SCUM Manifesto, in academia, mainly through women's studies - these people could identify each other easily through having that degree in their resume and continue hiring until they have some sort of influence through sheer numbers.
The reason it seems so severe now is because they've been building up their positions for around 50 years straight.
And if you really don't believe that is the case, then explain why the NYT praised her manifesto.
No, I don't. I assert that a certain unknown number of them are part of a large conspiracy, which the normies support because it's in the in-group's interest to do so.
Actually, to put my position extremely bluntly and explain it perfectly - The SCUM Manifesto was not satire. It was a roadmap to feminist rule with red herrings of insanity sprinkled in to make people believe it's just a joke.
You, of all fucking people, should know what in-group bias is.
When did their dastardly, vile plans first get set into motion?
There are several dates you could point to, but I'd say that the real cohesive dehumanization narrative we have now began post SCUM Manifesto, in academia, mainly through women's studies - these people could identify each other easily through having that degree in their resume and continue hiring until they have some sort of influence through sheer numbers.
The reason it seems so severe now is because they've been building up their positions for around 50 years straight.
And if you really don't believe that is the case, then explain why the NYT praised her manifesto.
> everything was on track until 1967
Lmao, good one imp
If you're not going to engage constructively, why am I even bothering to explain my position?
Also, it was published in 1968. The original draft was in 1967 but she couldn't find a publisher that year.
I think a good primer on the influence of Solanas on feminist goals is this normie MRA piece about her.
Shill confirmed