18 While the world burns... Here's an anime iceberg I made a while back. (media.communities.win) posted 2 years ago by ProdigalPlaneswalker 2 years ago by ProdigalPlaneswalker +22 / -4 102 comments download share 102 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
>No Redo of Healer
>No Ishuzoku Reviewers
>HotD being "gatekeeper realm" instead of "fading memory".
>Iceberg not having a School Days "Nice Boat" meme photoshopped in.
Normie get out REEEEEEE.
Don't put Redo and Ishuzoku on the same boat: Redo has an actual plot, Based on a story-rich light novel series, While Ishuzoku is just broadcast-legal hentai.