PBS' new eight-episode series Marie Antoinette tells the story of the infamous queen as a rebellious teenage girl who arrives at court with no idea how to fit into the French aristocracy, or how to get her new royal husband to talk to her, let alone sleep with her — making her sole job of continuing the Bourbon line a rather difficult one.
So what does young Marie do? In the new trailer for the series, which EW can exclusively reveal below, the young dauphine embraces a bit of soif de vivre by getting flirtatious with someone who is not the king at a masquerade ball, making out with another lady at court, and excitedly threatening to burn the whole palace to the ground.
Women need media as a coping mechanism
Patently ridiculous, Archduchess Marie was a Hapsburg of Hapsburg Empire fame.
This is lurid trash.
So she was inbred completely?
Advanced in-breeding. Ur-Mongoloid. This bitch of a family tree is more of a straight line, etc.
Check out her nephew. 'Inbred' is too kind for those hapsburg mutants.