It makes perfect sense when you understand globalist philosophy and their plans.
They attack traditional femininity (youth, beauty, motherhood) at the same time they attack traditional masculinity (strong, virtuous, protector, provider, father). It fits perfectly into their Kalergi plan. Replace White people in our own countries by making coupling as difficult as possible. Make women into ugly, old, feminazi whores, and men into weak, apathetic, single, childless, MGTOWs. Couple this with no-fault divorce, lots of premarital sex, birth control, easy access to abortion, massive inflation, wage slaving, pushing women into the workforce, massive amounts of propaganda from every aspect of society, including "White people bad for slavery", BLM, World War 2, etc., push rampant sexual degeneracy like LGBTQ, transgenderism, and cuckolding, importation of millions and millions of non-whites who compete for jobs, welfare gibs, housing, and vote against White ethnic interests, poisoning of the food and water to make people fat, lazy, feminized, and sick, provide ample amounts of bread and circuses to keep the populace pacified, make the men weak and apathetic so we don't fight back and stop any of this, censor anyone that disagrees or notices what's happening, attack everything antithetical to globalist plans, and otherwise make having a family as difficult and expensive as possible, requiring both parents to work to provide less than what a father used to be able to provide on his own.....
and surprise surprise, the number of couples, marriages, and kids from White people decreases, and yet the borders remain wide open and millions more non-whites get imported.
It makes perfect sense when you understand globalist philosophy and their plans.
They attack traditional femininity (youth, beauty, motherhood) at the same time they attack traditional masculinity (strong, virtuous, protector, provider, father). It fits perfectly into their Kalergi plan. Replace White people in our own countries by making coupling as difficult as possible. Make women into ugly, old, feminazi whores, and men into weak, apathetic, single, childless, MGTOWs. Couple this with no-fault divorce, lots of premarital sex, birth control, easy access to abortion, massive inflation, wage slaving, pushing women into the workforce, massive amounts of propaganda from every aspect of society, including "White people bad for slavery", BLM, World War 2, etc., push rampant sexual degeneracy like LGBTQ, transgenderism, and cuckolding, importation of millions and millions of non-whites who compete for jobs, welfare gibs, housing, and vote against White ethnic interests, poisoning of the food and water to make people fat, lazy, feminized, and sick, provide ample amounts of bread and circuses to keep the populace pacified, make the men weak and apathetic so we don't fight back and stop any of this, censor anyone that disagrees or notices what's happening, attack everything antithetical to globalist plans, and otherwise make having a family as difficult and expensive as possible, requiring both parents to work to provide less than what a father used to be able to provide on his own.....
and surprise surprise, the number of couples, marriages, and kids from White people decreases, and yet the borders remain wide open and millions more non-whites get imported.