Actually insane. No wonder the west is so fucked. It’s full of these pathetic retards.
Edit to add my favorite one:
This is why the U.S. was searching for a way for Putin to back out and save face before the war really got underway.
Can you conceive of the insanity/stupidity necessary to believe that the US was trying to de-escalate, in any way, before this war? Expanding NATO to Russia’s door, via CIA-backed color revolutions, is how you pursue peace? Russia, China, Iran, India - the countries are not going to permit themselves to be “regime changed” by the rainbow reich.
Barking Seals of Reddit
Actually insane. No wonder the west is so fucked. It’s full of these pathetic retards.
Edit to add my favorite one:
Can you conceive of the insanity/stupidity necessary to believe that the US was trying to de-escalate, in any way, before this war? Expanding NATO to Russia’s door, via CIA-backed color revolutions, is how you pursue peace? Russia, China, Iran, India - the countries are not going to permit themselves to be “regime changed” by the rainbow reich.
Right on.