I convinced my nephew that this was the way. He actually listened. got married in 2021 to his highschool girlfriend. Their first love. They are 21 and 22. Pushed thru college together, saved their money and bought a house right after. She got pregnant, baby is due in June. Both unvaxxed too! She is staying home to make a home, and they are the happiest people I know.
I have accomplished little good in my own relationships. I did it all wrong. I think its why they took my perspective to heart. I was the cautionary tale. They didn’t want to end up like me.
I was a platform for female advancement. I put 3 women thru college. 3 relationships over the course of 25 years. Bled me dry of all of my time and money. 1 marriage/divorce 2 unfulfilled engagements and no kids to show for it. I believed every progressive lie fed to me in my youth. It lead to a very desolate place in the end. The ride was sometimes fun, but its over and I’m old and jaded now. I regret and denounce it all. Pure meaningless distraction with nothing but losses to show for it.
I convinced my nephew that this was the way. He actually listened. got married in 2021 to his highschool girlfriend. Their first love. They are 21 and 22. Pushed thru college together, saved their money and bought a house right after. She got pregnant, baby is due in June. Both unvaxxed too! She is staying home to make a home, and they are the happiest people I know.
I have accomplished little good in my own relationships. I did it all wrong. I think its why they took my perspective to heart. I was the cautionary tale. They didn’t want to end up like me.
I was a platform for female advancement. I put 3 women thru college. 3 relationships over the course of 25 years. Bled me dry of all of my time and money. 1 marriage/divorce 2 unfulfilled engagements and no kids to show for it. I believed every progressive lie fed to me in my youth. It lead to a very desolate place in the end. The ride was sometimes fun, but its over and I’m old and jaded now. I regret and denounce it all. Pure meaningless distraction with nothing but losses to show for it.