This guy is a 24/7 PR fuck. Funny thing? He was the Sheriff for Cook County. Knowing this guy and how he sounds, he's probably only been in the "safe" side of Chicago/Cook County and maybe occasionally dipping his toes on the "bad" 13/50 side.
I guess his next stop after working for Airbnb is to be a politician since he seems prone to getting careers in lying.
Checked this fuck's LinkedIn.
This guy is a 24/7 PR fuck. Funny thing? He was the Sheriff for Cook County. Knowing this guy and how he sounds, he's probably only been in the "safe" side of Chicago/Cook County and maybe occasionally dipping his toes on the "bad" 13/50 side.
I guess his next stop after working for Airbnb is to be a politician since he seems prone to getting careers in lying.