posted ago by AlfredicEnglishRules ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +14 / -0

https://archive.ph/YoEhi IDW is suffering financial losses in it's publishing wing. It has been buoyed up by licensing stories for shows like Locke and Key.


An argument to stop having as many garages in an urban environment.


AP African studies in Florida capitulated to Governor DeSantis' demands.


Russel T Davies complains about bad writers who only want representation. They're in it to be diverse and don't write very good scripts.


VR seems to be going out for the new MR goggles. Samsung, Qualcomm, and Google have teamed up to make a new MR goggles set.


AI with limited amount of pictures will make a basic representation of an actual picture. So, if there's only one picture of a faculty member at a university, then that image will be made, but without makeup.


More and more women are being told to sterilize themselves to prevent ovarian cancer.


A new LED screen stacks instead of places. It increases the pixels per inch by a great deal.


University of Florida wrote a paper on how to alter curriculum to prepare students for AI. It's very fluffy academic writing that sounds very important and useless at the same time.