REPORT: CBC Now Admits They Published Story On Alberta Premier's Office Emailing Crown Prosecution Service Without Actually "See...
The 'update' was issued four days after the initial story was published. On January 19th, CBC published a story claiming the Alberta Premier's office
Time to have another journalism conference where they blame people's lack of trust in them on conspiracy theories and misinformation!
CBC was collecting boulders with their son and grandchild. The son's name? MundaneMat.
( If you have been living under a GG rock ( lol ), Mundane Mat used make false copyright claims on people's videos and livestreams if they criticized him, succeeding in getting videos removed, channels striked, and livestreams pulled off the air.
He swore up and down he would never do such a thing. That time X stream got pulled? He was actually collecting boulders by the river, with his kid!
All he had to do to prove he didn't do it, was screen-share his Youtube channel account page where pending and past claims are displayed.
He played dumb as he was panicking, scrambling to find a way out of this, forge a fake page, or remove the claims, but there were too many, there was no time.
Seconds before sharing his screen he went on a "before you see this you have to understand I was in a very bad place mentally, blablabla". HE FUCKING DID IT. )