Pasting a comment I saw here a long time ago, I think it was from GeneralBoobs:
It's a dark day for sluts. A judge ruled that employers don't have to cover PrEP, the HIV antiviral drug believed to prevent HIV infection, with a laundry list of nasty side effects. Taking this, faggots thought themselves invulnerable, and have spread other STDs, making several incurable.
One of my favorite side effects for people taking this poison pill is osteoporosis. It made their bones brittle and their teeth fall out. They end up looking like they're on meth and have AIDS anyways.
Fauci had a hand in it. You know, the great satan of the HIV days.
Then there's this bit of info from the CDC's website: assigned female at birth. This shit is poison and so is PrEP. Goes hand in hand, or dick in ass as the case may be.
"Fat redistribution and accumulation (lipodystrophy) has been observed in people receiving antiretroviral therapy, including fat reductions in the face, limbs, and buttocks and increases in visceral fat of the abdomen and accumulations in the upper back"
AIDS face! You will know them by their gaunt faces, hunchedbacks, and pot bellies!
Pasting a comment I saw here a long time ago, I think it was from GeneralBoobs: