this is just a rant and not very polished so...
The Left wants to create an unthinking consoomer information market where it alone sets the rules and controls the Overton window.
Not all "content moderation" is bad. Sometimes too much of the wrong content can drive people away. Spam is one example, but to use this sub as an example, Imp turning it into his personal war against women is a net negative for the sub. So is Chukna turning it into his personal war against Finland. The "Savior" moron who thinks he needs to share his idiotic "wisdom" with this sub no matter how many times he gets downvoted, blocked, and banned. By allowing the fringe to take over, you drive away the much much larger group of normies who don't really want anything to do with the fringe. Youtube and Twitter solve this issue easily by using the algo to boost popular content, which causes the fringe content to get lost and unseen. That's fine, as long as the boosting is politically neutral and follows business logic of maximizing views and site usage. Unfortunately, the Left has corrupted the algo to detract from profits in order to push their politics.
The Left wants NPCs who don't think for themselves, they just download the latest firmware update.
The Left already created this system and had it running for decades: the mainstream media. It was a small, elite group that they completely took over, which told everyone how to think, with great success. The internet threatened that system, so the Left needs to take over the internet platforms to maintain its system.
Fundamentally, bad/wrong speech is bad, but people don't agree on what speech is bad except for extreme cases like cp. Instead, the only reliable/fair way to identify what speech is good vs bad, true vs false, is to allow all speech to wage war openly through debate, and allow the people in aggregate to decide. The Left doesn't accept this, because they often lose. But since the Left has been indoctrinated to accept that their beliefs are Correct and their opponents are Wrong, when they lose, they don't accept the result, they say "those evil Right wingers tricked everyone with lies! if the system was fair, everyone would agree with me!" And so the Left needs to keep rigging the system in their favor to make it "fair" so the results match their expectations, which is that Left wing ideology is always correct and always wins, comrade.
The Left is self-aware enough to know that they can't "get away with" what they truly want deep down, which is North Korea-level enforced "Truth". So instead they attack the Right on speech battlefields the Left think they can cobble together a majority on: such as COVID "misinformation" or "hate speech", but of course, while they sell these ideas to moderates using extreme cases, as soon as they get the power to censor, they rapidly expand what fits under these concepts until they push it so far, they get blowback. Then they slow down a little bit and pretend to walk it back, then try again, over and over, biting and clawing away at anyone they disagree with, slowly eating away all opposition by default, knowing their opponents will tire and slowly give ground.
Thinking is hard, who's got time for that? Just get the short version, the pre-digested version. Your friends will think you're smart and well-informed in record time! Nobody wants to struggle with dissonance. Nobody wants to wrestle with difficult and controversial ideas. Nobody wants the horror of adopting the minority view. Just sit back, and we will tell you all the facts, and do all the analysis for you, and give you all the conclusions.
COVID wasn't made in a lab. The US government didn't pay the Chinese for gain of function experimentation on bat coronaviruses. The lockdowns were highly successful. Masks worked. Hand washing worked. The vaccine totally stopped transmission, justifying forcing it on unwilling people. Those who rejected the vaccine only did so for crazy, selfish right wing ideological reasons. It was right to fire them from their jobs to punish them for being bad people. Trump was the mastermind of a literal insurrection and attempt to overthrow the US government and end democracy. The insurrectionists on 1/6 literally tried to murder Congress and hang Mike Pence. And Trump did all this as an agent of Putin. Russia is the evil behind everything. BLM was mostly peaceful, and also rioting is the language of the unheard and good as long as black people do it. Black people are nice and law abiding and dindu, yet cops gun thousands of them down in the streets every year because racism. When you say a trans woman is a man, you are committing a literal murder. Drag queen story hour is wholesome family fun. Mutilating the genitals of little kids and pressuring them to identify as a different gender (so many to choose from! how can you pick just one?!) is critical medical assistance that is needed to save lives. When you refuse to wear the pride flag, you are an evil hateful bigot and should be canceled. Men bad. Whites bad. Women bad, but only if they don't like women with penises. The world will end by 2030 in hellfire unless you become vegan and buy an electric car (not tesla) NOW.
That last paragraph is an excellent summary of the left's current narrative. When you look at it as a whole it's absolute insanity is made even more evident because you are not exaggerating.
I disagree, he's the single most entertaining guy here. As long as he's a curiosity and doesn't attract an army of followers he is always swearing he will get any minute, he is harmless.
Generally, unrelated agendas make a place worse.
I'm amazed that people will echo what they hear from the media and then imagine that they are either. That is the height of stupidity if nothing is. By that standard, the parrot is the smartest species on the planet.
There is only an eternal present in which the Party is always right.
I'm surprised to see you mocking this.
There was a "journalist" who said that that guy should "go back" to another country. He repeated the "go back" part, so it was abundantly obvious what he meant. Total moronc cultist.
I don't have a personal problem with him, but he does scare people off and his posts/comments generally get a strongly negative reception. If you have a hobo standing on your tables at your bar screaming about the Gynocracy, sure some people might find it entertaining but it's a net loss of customers.
Most people just want to attain their personal goals and don't give a fuck about anything else in the world. For most people, those personal goals are things like (1) get more popular/respect, (2) sex (men), (3) money. Everything else in their life is just bullshit unless it's part of their plan to obtain those goals.
I'm not an outgoing person, but for outgoing people, "impressing their friends" is like their whole fucking life's work. So a lot of them truly just want to reach that goal in the laziest, easiest, fastest way.
Democrats and the Left in general are masters of preying on this, the "low information voter". Trump was also good at preying on it. As soon as the Right started to copy some Left wing tactics and close the gap, the Left lost their fucking minds with all their "misinformation" bullshit. Misinformation? You mean what CNN and MSNBC and the lib media have been doing for generations? lol.
I am against Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, but the idea that Russia is behind everything in US politics is absurd. Trump didn't win because of Russia. Russia's efforts to influence the US election might have been real, but they didn't have any meaningful effect. Domestic US propagandists spend billions trying to influence each election. Russians are clowns next to this, like all foreigners are, because as foreigners they will never be remotely as capable as born-and-raised American experts on the subject. In addition, the amount of money Russia had to actually throw at this was miniscule. Russia's "bot farms" didn't change any minds or have any measurable effect. I'm more concerned with Russia giving money to that gay black gang leader who killed a kid, not because he actually subverted democracy, but because he was a degenerate criminal and Russia was subsidizing his illegal bullshit.
I'm much more concerned with things like China giving Obama and Biden tens of millions of dollars in illegal donations funneled through Jho Low and rapper Pras Michel, of which we know of $21.6 million at least. China dumping money on the Democrats is 100x worse than anything Russia did, because that money is much more dangerous in Democrat hands and the sums are much larger.
He went further and said the guy should go back to Ukraine and "get involved with" the war.
Generally, when people get a negative reception from the community, they do not make it look bad. The problem starts when this sort of thing spreads further. When you have a few Stormfags languishing at the bottom, they are not a problem either. But you should not allow people to hijack a forum that is not about their pet issues.
The sad thing is not that they try. The sad thing is that echoing the media makes people 'impressive' to some at least.
They are high information, it's just bad and false information. Mostly. Probably some lower-class black voters excepted.
Obviously, you are a racist for caring more about a kid dying than about... OUR DEMOKWACY.
When you're a far-leftist, they let you do it.