Sweden jas the lowest excess mortality over the course of the "pandemic", at 6.7%. Lower than Norway.
( Apparently you were not supppsed to compare Sweden to non-Scandinavian countries, because it made lockdowns look bad if you did. When Sweden was vindicated even with this rule, Covidians simply pretended Sweden dosen't exists, or revert back to cherry-picking "recorded deaths with a positive test". )
Sweden jas the lowest excess mortality over the course of the "pandemic", at 6.7%. Lower than Norway.
( Apparently you were not supppsed to compare Sweden to non-Scandinavian countries, because it made lockdowns look bad if you did. When Sweden was vindicated even with this rule, Covidians simply pretended Sweden dosen't exists, or revert back to cherry-picking "recorded deaths with a positive test". )
No masks, no lockdown in Sweden.
Canada has a 29.2% excess mortality. Masks, lockdowns, travel bans between regions, Quebec had several curfews.
The pseudo-sanitary theater dosen't reduce respiratory viruses. Instead, it causes a very high amount of excess deaths.