Math is a useful way to sort people by IQ. Of course you have to be willing to use that information and not allow schools to pass people who shouldn't be passed. A high school diploma might be worth something again if it required the ability to pass Algebra 2. The real problem is that we're unwilling to fail retards and completely unprepared to offer them employment that doesn't require top 30% IQ.
You could do a lot of good in the world by letting people drop out. Some 16 year olds just need to dig ditches. If they find they like it, great. If not, go get a GED. When it's on your own dime, you're basically guaranteed to be a better student.
We had two horticulture classes in my high school - one was a very well-funded class ran by a professional (in part because the greenhouse they used was actually part of his business), the other had no funding whatsoever. I was in the latter. We barely grew anything ourselves, most of our year was spent setting things up for future us, like building the irrigation system for our own cheap greenhouse and tearing out stumps and bushes where we were gonna build planters. And it was all done without having somebody hovering over our shoulders.
It was the only time in my school life I remember not feeling like my soul was leaving my body. It even got me into reasonably good shape, when previously I was scrawny as fuck and couldn't be assed to work out for its own sake. Every school should have something like that. It's no wonder so many people are neurotic when they spent most of their formative years sitting on their ass doing busywork with no tangible reward.
Math is a useful way to sort people by IQ. Of course you have to be willing to use that information and not allow schools to pass people who shouldn't be passed. A high school diploma might be worth something again if it required the ability to pass Algebra 2. The real problem is that we're unwilling to fail retards and completely unprepared to offer them employment that doesn't require top 30% IQ.
You could do a lot of good in the world by letting people drop out. Some 16 year olds just need to dig ditches. If they find they like it, great. If not, go get a GED. When it's on your own dime, you're basically guaranteed to be a better student.
We had two horticulture classes in my high school - one was a very well-funded class ran by a professional (in part because the greenhouse they used was actually part of his business), the other had no funding whatsoever. I was in the latter. We barely grew anything ourselves, most of our year was spent setting things up for future us, like building the irrigation system for our own cheap greenhouse and tearing out stumps and bushes where we were gonna build planters. And it was all done without having somebody hovering over our shoulders.
It was the only time in my school life I remember not feeling like my soul was leaving my body. It even got me into reasonably good shape, when previously I was scrawny as fuck and couldn't be assed to work out for its own sake. Every school should have something like that. It's no wonder so many people are neurotic when they spent most of their formative years sitting on their ass doing busywork with no tangible reward.