the only reason it's found in arteries is because it's repairing the damage caused from inflammation as a result of blood sugar spikes.
This is so important it bears repeating. We've been sold a bill of goods by big AG and we're just now learning the old USDA "food pyramid" is a pyramid of LIES!
Low carb/intermittent fasting is optimal. Which is to say, limit carbs and you won't want to stuff your face constantly, but will find like 2 meals a day to be sufficient.
This is so important it bears repeating. We've been sold a bill of goods by big AG and we're just now learning the old USDA "food pyramid" is a pyramid of LIES!
Low carb/intermittent fasting is optimal. Which is to say, limit carbs and you won't want to stuff your face constantly, but will find like 2 meals a day to be sufficient.