There is some little bit of hope rekindled for me. I was at a hockey game last night and for some reason they had General Mark Milley there to do the first drop of the puck. For those who don't remember, this is the guy who literally said if we were to launch a surprise attack on China, that he would warn them beforehand.
To my absolute delight there were audible boos from the crowd when his name was mentioned on the loudspeaker (I added my own as well). And to top it all off, that traitor tripped on the carpet on the way out.
It brings me joy that not everyone I see on a day to day basis is a totally pozzed moron.
“I want to understand White rage." Milley said as he shilled for pushing CRT in the military. “I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist,” Milley told the House Armed Services Committee. “So what is wrong with understanding … the country which we are here to defend?”
The answer is because CRT isn't being taught to "understand the enemy" it is being taught in order to indoctrinate and condition members of the military. It is, by his own admission, being taught as truth for " understanding … the country".
Glad he got booed, I would have booed his ass, too. Fuck that guy. Trump hired him, btw, he's a boot licking toadie who saw the winds were blowing democrat and decided to get out ahead of it and make daddy biden happy.