Inquisitors were generally very reasonable. For example, one of the first questions an inquisitor would ask of the accused was who his local enemies were, if the accusor was named as an enemy, the inquisitor dropped the matter instantly.
Witches had typically done something heinous such as poison their husbands and the body was nowhere to be found. One of the problems in our society is that we don't burn enough witches.
When are we going to treat the people who make up these stories as badly as we treat the racists? They're just as bad.
Inquisitors were generally very reasonable. For example, one of the first questions an inquisitor would ask of the accused was who his local enemies were, if the accusor was named as an enemy, the inquisitor dropped the matter instantly.
Witches had typically done something heinous such as poison their husbands and the body was nowhere to be found. One of the problems in our society is that we don't burn enough witches.
Both are true; while the inquisition was no fluffy bunnies you did stand a better chance with their skeptical view over an angry, vindictive mob.
Every power persecutes heretics. It is better to kill crazy cat ladies than sacrifice the unborn on the altar of Capital(Mammon).
This is hilariously delusional.
They tortured hundreds of thousands of people to death, including burning people alive.
VeRy ReAsOnAbLe
OK firewood