It works but it will require a lot of sacrifices and a lot of work. If someone is eating himself to death, it is your fucking problem.
If someone is selling garbage on market, it is everyones problem. They will have to sanitize and regulate fucking everything for it to work, but i can very well work.
The biggest failure in these healthcares is that government is full of shit and never improves the fucking healthcare it has and reckless spending.
We get to situation where first nasal appointment takes a year or few and everyone is acting like healthcare is all working.
But to be fair in Denmark everyone knows the healthcare is in deep shit, its just not possible to fix it because its government duh
Kraut actually had a great take about USA discussions about universal healthcare
It works but it will require a lot of sacrifices and a lot of work. If someone is eating himself to death, it is your fucking problem.
If someone is selling garbage on market, it is everyones problem. They will have to sanitize and regulate fucking everything for it to work, but i can very well work.
The biggest failure in these healthcares is that government is full of shit and never improves the fucking healthcare it has and reckless spending.
We get to situation where first nasal appointment takes a year or few and everyone is acting like healthcare is all working.
But to be fair in Denmark everyone knows the healthcare is in deep shit, its just not possible to fix it because its government duh