posted ago by Socalwackjob ago by Socalwackjob +25 / -3

There are a lot of annoying things and so many grievances when browsing the forums but I found one particular instance I have always found annoying but recently, reading it got more frequent. When you read on a topic of discussing elites getting scot-free from punishments, I found people often quoting George Carlin's "It's a big club and you ain't in it." which I found annoying as fuck and ironic to boot. If he was alive, he would have been a DNC bootlicker, and probably just as malicious and rabid as say, Keith Olbermann and dismiss the whole fiasco happening right now.

The worst thing is that, there's a lot of truth in it's a big club quote, but when so many people are too much of chickenshit to say the real elephant in the room and refuse to discuss the topic that are quite controversial but has a lot of circumstantial evidence, it's even more infuriating. In the end, the fact that I never really liked George Carlin and always saw him as a bitter phony hack, I found his quote more annoying to read. Can't even understand the reason why people worship the guy when I never found the guy funny.

Is there pet peeve that you find as irritating as the one I got when browsing reddit or normiesphere?