You didn't say they were good. And honestly, even in the base series, I was never impressed with any of the actors' performances. Not even with Cavill's. Shitflix does NOT know how to pick them.
The action is...fierce.
I couldn't help but notice the hesitation in your voice, which makes me question your honesty. It just so happens that The Shitflixer and Shitflix series in general tend to have laughable action scenes as well.
It's got Michelle Yoh who is...
Literally "Who?" to me.
It's set a thousand years before The Witcher.
And? How is that supposed to sell me on this show? Can't say I was ever chomping at the bit for the Witcher world's ancient history (in the books) because there's nothing there to chomp on. You need to have an engaging story, not a fucking timeline. On another note, are you actually capable of reading subtitles unlike most deaf, who are functionally illiterate? Or did you watch the premier with an interpreter?
It explores part of the lore of The Witcher that hasn't been explored before.
Yeah, you look like a guy who's read the books alright and done a deep dive into the lore. Scratch that, you look like a guy who's read a lot. But scrapping these possibly baseless accusation, the only your words tell me is that Shitflix is pulling shit out of their ass to write terrible fanfiction...which is what they've been doing from the start.
There are monsters like we've never seen before
This would get my attention...if Shitflix's creature effects were actually good enough to bring said monsters to life. But they've never been, so I don't care about this point either.
It has the first kiss between two men in the show.
You fucking alphabets have been stamped and shoehorned into every fucking thing for the past ten years, and yet here you are celebrating every orifice-penetrating scene as if it is the first ever of its kind ever put to screen. And if not that, then it has to become a first. It's obnoxious, it's annoying, and it's not fucking special. Frankly, it wasn't special in the goddamn 90s.
The costumes are divine. The makeup, the hair...bon appetit.
Yeah, you look like someone who really knows how to look pretty. I should also reiterate that historically, The Witcher show's costumes have been UTTERLY HORRID!
There's a deaf sign language-using character.
Oh, wow, look at this. A show about a bunch of silly, backward, Medieval bumpkins who speak in ASL. Just more of that "mUh RePr3sEnTaShUn" that's put into the series without any actual thought in how it fits into the world.
It's a show that was made with so much love.
Your buddy, DeMayo, already confirmed this is bullshit. We know you none of you love The Witcher and only have contempt for the franchise. The only love you have is in pushing the Party's propaganda.
I noticed not a single one of them said anything about the story being good. But then again, when you hype something up, it's better to show the audience how cool it is with trailers and previews, rather than just have people say it's cool.
You didn't say they were good. And honestly, even in the base series, I was never impressed with any of the actors' performances. Not even with Cavill's. Shitflix does NOT know how to pick them.
I couldn't help but notice the hesitation in your voice, which makes me question your honesty. It just so happens that The Shitflixer and Shitflix series in general tend to have laughable action scenes as well.
Literally "Who?" to me.
And? How is that supposed to sell me on this show? Can't say I was ever chomping at the bit for the Witcher world's ancient history (in the books) because there's nothing there to chomp on. You need to have an engaging story, not a fucking timeline. On another note, are you actually capable of reading subtitles unlike most deaf, who are functionally illiterate? Or did you watch the premier with an interpreter?
Yeah, you look like a guy who's read the books alright and done a deep dive into the lore. Scratch that, you look like a guy who's read a lot. But scrapping these possibly baseless accusation, the only your words tell me is that Shitflix is pulling shit out of their ass to write terrible fanfiction...which is what they've been doing from the start.
This would get my attention...if Shitflix's creature effects were actually good enough to bring said monsters to life. But they've never been, so I don't care about this point either.
You fucking alphabets have been stamped and shoehorned into every fucking thing for the past ten years, and yet here you are celebrating every orifice-penetrating scene as if it is the first ever of its kind ever put to screen. And if not that, then it has to become a first. It's obnoxious, it's annoying, and it's not fucking special. Frankly, it wasn't special in the goddamn 90s.
Yeah, you look like someone who really knows how to look pretty. I should also reiterate that historically, The Witcher show's costumes have been UTTERLY HORRID!
Oh, wow, look at this. A show about a bunch of silly, backward, Medieval bumpkins who speak in ASL. Just more of that "mUh RePr3sEnTaShUn" that's put into the series without any actual thought in how it fits into the world.
Your buddy, DeMayo, already confirmed this is bullshit. We know you none of you love The Witcher and only have contempt for the franchise. The only love you have is in pushing the Party's propaganda.
I noticed not a single one of them said anything about the story being good. But then again, when you hype something up, it's better to show the audience how cool it is with trailers and previews, rather than just have people say it's cool.