I feel like most attorney's don't know how to honestly defend guilty clients. If he's guilty, don't try to get him acquitted, get his sentence lessened or transferred to nicer prison. Don't waste all his money on a hopeless fight.
Unfortunately in this case, these ridiculous statements might still get more credit than they deserve.
. If he's guilty, don't try to get him acquitted, get his sentence lessened or transferred to nicer prison.
They can encourage that but the defendant still runs the show. If a guilty client doesn't want to admit it the lawyer has to defend their 'innocence', even if it means scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Much of our legal system has become a clown show, but scumbag lawyers saying scumbag things is ironically a good thing. It's a sign of a system that values a fair trial, or at least pretends to. Just have to hope Lake's lawyers are good enough to knock it down and the judge is smart enough to see through it not a corrupt piece of shit
I feel like most attorney's don't know how to honestly defend guilty clients. If he's guilty, don't try to get him acquitted, get his sentence lessened or transferred to nicer prison. Don't waste all his money on a hopeless fight.
Unfortunately in this case, these ridiculous statements might still get more credit than they deserve.
They can encourage that but the defendant still runs the show. If a guilty client doesn't want to admit it the lawyer has to defend their 'innocence', even if it means scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Much of our legal system has become a clown show, but scumbag lawyers saying scumbag things is ironically a good thing. It's a sign of a system that values a fair trial, or at least pretends to. Just have to hope Lake's lawyers are good enough to knock it down and the judge is
smart enough to see through itnot a corrupt piece of shit