The 1950s housewife post today reminded me that the average Marxist enthusiast is living some kind of lie, many of them more than one. They culturally appropriate:
- No explanation necessary
WWII Allied soldiers
Lefties love talking about their grandparents or great-grandparents who fought on the beaches of Normandy. People like to imagine a scenario where Grandpa beats the troon out of his faggy descendant, but consider the reverse. These people would not enjoy a single second of the 1940s and indeed often talk about that time period like it was some kind of YA dystopia where women were permanent turkey production units - which they forget about instantly when it's time to own the cons.
edit: the most offensive part is that lefties assume that Allied soldiers were bloodthirsty for Nazis in the same way they enjoy talking about the deaths of today's "Nazis." This is a gross oversimplification, and to take satisfaction in young men dying on the front lines betrays a void in your soul. Likely they also gloat over civilian deaths in Dresden. I would say this is a consequence of being divorced from violence, except that some of them would line you up against a wall if they had the chance.
- Many people mysteriously become lovers of America every time a Democrat steps into the Oval Office. Similarly, Obama talked a pretty good game about American exceptionality when he was an aspiring underdog. When pressed, they will be unable to define the virtues of America except in pathetically vague sloganeering and abstractions. Actually, just ask them what it means to be an American. Even a regular dummy Biden voter will likely fail to answer that question because citing the land, the people or freedom of religion are obviously no-gos, and the hustler rhetoric about "being able to do anything" is obviously empty on its own and conjures up IG influencers, their traditional immigrant parents, or Mitt Romney.
- Someone in the other thread mentioned beards and lumbersexuality. There's also another highly prevalent type of posturing where a lefty believes that annoying or disturbing people to the point that they disengage from him makes him some kind of gladiator on the internet. Talking really fast, especially with some kind of feminine inflection, bragging about anti-masculine behavior like cuckoldry, or simply acting like a gigantic prick are all thought to accomplish the same effect. See: Destiny, Vaush. Unfortunately, the instant support from social media and the impossibility of any physical consequences make this financially profitable.
being a fully functioning person
- the lefty scapegoating of incels and neckbeards is another behavior that is only possible because of social media because it allows the average degenerate to pretend to have their life together merely because their pictures appear to be normal and they are literate at a 12th grade reading level, which indicates to boomers and other normies that they are just like us! only harmlessly geeky or whatever. Of course the lefty leaves out the poppers and gay sex, mental illness, catfighting, annihilation of family ties, rape, loneliness, parasocial activity, disorder, snobbery, luggage theft, cliqueing, furry smut, drug addiction, and other behaviors that would make them unpalatable to the larger population of high-functioning liberals that shower them with support and donations.
There are many more examples I could write about because almost all their normal traits are a LARP. Fronting and deception are common to every culture known to man, but leftism is a delusion that is only possible because the increase of free time and leisure income in industrialized societies allowed some people to construct byzantine mental artifices to explain their relative status and personal failings. In summary, California must be pushed out to sea.
Seattle always had a grungy look to it. There have been honest moments where I was talking to a homeless guy and a millionaire and didn't notice.
Then we had the hipsters trying to fake grunge and it went downhill. Sort of like the sewers when Seattle sank.