If comments like his aren't followed with attacks on pedophilia and tranny groomers then I don't want to hear them. He's not buying any gay votes with empty comments.
He is clearly jealous that Biden got a lot of attention and praise for signing the gay marriage bill and that the White House was lighted up in rainbow colors.
Mar-a-lago will be lighted up in rainbow colors soon at this rate.
I can't wait to hear his fanclub call this based and 4d chess.
Pandering to gays is not going to get us any votes at all.
If any other Republican candidate did this, they would be getting completely blasted as a RINO.
If comments like his aren't followed with attacks on pedophilia and tranny groomers then I don't want to hear them. He's not buying any gay votes with empty comments.
We know why he is doing this gay event.
He is clearly jealous that Biden got a lot of attention and praise for signing the gay marriage bill and that the White House was lighted up in rainbow colors.
Mar-a-lago will be lighted up in rainbow colors soon at this rate.