posted ago by Socalwackjob ago by Socalwackjob +22 / -0

With the the latest thread about Britain trying to punish people just for staring at women, it got me to wonder. Looking at the current state of Britain, if BBC in George Orwell era believed in free speech and freedom in general. They had George Orwell record his passage in the book that are all about censorship and whatnot, in the end was it just for the show and they just believed all that nonsense about good guys vs bad guys in WW2? I thought they actually believed in a sophisticated morality, not everything is evil, it's grey morality but I can't help but think were they were just as simple-minded as current era journos. Now I look back at history how much the truth has been distorted, makes me believe almost everything was a sham.

The fact that there was no internet, they had to rely on journos to inform people what was happening, they would have just swallowed the false narrative and probably not question it. Even worse, we came to understand more and more, most journos were presstitutes and a very few have integrity. Ever since I saw how the world was run, I found this revelation to be depressing. Even worse, George Orwell said something about this, too.