posted ago by bamboozler1 ago by bamboozler1 +62 / -0

The news in Australia was very keen to tar them as “antivaxxers” and “conspiracy theorists”, even though they clearly came from disparate backgrounds and ideologies…

The whole thing reeks to high heaven. The first thing I thought when I saw it was “they’re getting rid of anyone who would oppose them”. Yet if you talk to “normies” about it, they’ll very likely just give you the same pre-programmed response along the lines of “They’re Nazis, and they deserved it”, just like with the Capitol “Riot”…

Funny how, yet again, we’re told “Protests in dictatorships good. Protests in “democracy” bad!” and expected to not question it, once again…

Along with the extremely selective interviews they showed with “ordinary” Germans, the whole thing is just… Very dodgy, lol.